
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It Works Defining Gel

The defining gel helps to increase results that can be achieved by the Ultimate Body Applicator.
Use the defining gel on non-wrap days to boost your inch loss and tighten up your skin. The defining gel has a eucalyptus scent and feels fresh and moisturizing after application. You can use the defining gel on your face too as well as all over your body. It is really the icing on your wrap cake.

Really, How Does It Work?

It Works Body Applicators are detox body wraps that work to give you results in 45 minutes.  The truth is that while YES, the 45 minutes is hugely important, the product actually remains in your system for 3 days and continues to work well after you have removed the applicator.
The number one question I get asked daily from men and women all over the world is…How does it work?
I hope this picture helps give you and idea.

Okay, see those squiggly things in the fat cell? When you have a successful detox, it will help to purge that out of there.  Therefore the fat cells are smaller and so are you.  Some people have LOTS of toxins (squiggly things) therefore see even better results.
Having said that, bare in mind that just because the fat cell is smaller does not mean it is GONE.  If you begin an unhealthy diet, the squiggly things will come back.
In order for the detox process to work you must drink lots of water for 3 days after you use the wrap.
Check out more of my best practices to get the best results here.

Ultimate Body Wraps vs. Water Loss

Losing water weight is a trusted form for quick weight loss.  You basically sweat out any extra water your body can spare and thus you weigh less.  This form of sweating off weight has been used in football to get kids to meet a weight requirement to play and in last minute attempts around the globe to fit in to a little black dress.  It works.  I have seen it.  I have tried it.  It really does work.  One thing that I think we can all agree on is that the water weight will come back within a day or two.  Frankly, your body did need the water, but since we sweat it out, as soon as it is available again our body will hold on to it…and the weight that comes with it.
Ultimate Body Wraps are different.  I don’t want to say one is better than the other.  They are just not the same, so keep in mind your long term reasons for wrapping as well as the short term fix.
The way the ultimate body wraps work is that the product absorbs into your system and flushes toxins from your fat cells resulting in inch loss.  Like the water loss, as you start to add fatty foods back in to your diet, the fat cells will hold on to the fat.  However, if you stay on a sensible diet and begin an exercise regimen, then you could keep the inches off and continue using the inch loss wraps to help your efforts.
Before you try either, do a little research and also think about what long term result is best for you.  Some of us just need a night to fit in a little black dress.  Others … need to get to a point where we would even consider wearing one.

10 Ways to Reduce Stress

10 Ways to Reduce Stress

If you feel like your life is a constant treadmill of problems, you’re not alone. Pressures at work, at home, and everywhere in between can push the modern woman’s stress levels into overdrive. To make matters even worse, stress can affect your health and body in many ways. Whether your daily trigger is money issues or your children bickering, a natural chemical called cortisol is released into your system whenever your inner pressure gauge begins to move into the red zone.
Increased cortisol levels are one of the main reasons that many women experience weight gain or can’t seem to lose those extra pounds. This often creates an endless cycle as our weight causes stress, and in turn our stress levels cause us to gain weight. Before you get frustrated and ready to give up, try these stress-reducing tips.

Hit the Road and Get Moving

While we all mean to start an exercise program tomorrow, it seems to be an easy thing to put off when your schedule is full. However, taking time to exercise makes everything else easier. In addition to increasing your energy levels, exercise stimulates your body to produce endorphins, which are natural, feel-good hormones that automatically reduces stress and improves your mood. Spend about 30 minutes exercising at least a few times a week, and you’ll feel like you can tackle the world. Don’t worry if you don’t have access to a gym; a brisk walk is just as good.

Improve Your Diet

Many women automatically turn to comfort food when they’re stressed and short on time. Too many carbs and sugary foods can really slow you down. While you might get a boost of energy right away, you know that you’ll pay for it with the inevitable carb crash. This kind of diet can fuel an endless cycle of cravings in many women. For improved stress levels, skip the processed food and eat more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean protein.

All Natural Stress Relief Supplements for Optimal Nutrition

If you’re having a hard time getting into the groove with a new diet and exercise program, natural supplements are available to help increase energy and reduce stress. One of these, Confianza is an all natural mixture of herbs that will even help improve your memory. Confianza’s active ingredients is a variety of adaptogens that work with the body’s own adrenal glands to restore balance, reduce your current stress levels, and increase your resistance to new stressors. Because the adaptogens are created naturally by the herbs included in the ormula, you won’t have to worry about adding any harmful chemicals to your body’s delicate system.

Have a Little Peace and Quiet

There’s a reason that all those cute little Buddha statues look so serene and peaceful. Meditation has been used for centuries to reduce stress and develop inner peace. If you aren’t sure how to meditate, that’s okay. Just find a quiet place where you can take about 10 minutes or so each day to relax, think about nothing, and recharge a little. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Many of us can’t even find time to go to the bathroom by ourselves.

Learn How to Say No

Some women feel so guilty about saying no that they agree to do almost anything that anyone asks. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed and under-appreciated. While it’s fine to do a favor for someone when you really want to, don’t feel bad when you simply can’t fit it in. Knowing your physical and emotional limitations is crucial to keeping stress levels low.

Share Your Problems

The old saying that “a problem shared is a problem halved” couldn’t be truer. Statistics even show that people with a good support system feel less stress and depression than those who hold everything inside. If you’re having a really bad day, call up your sister, your mom, or your best friend for a good cry or a well-deserved rant. Either one will help. If you don’t have a shoulder to lean on, don’t hesitate to seek out a counselor.

Be Realistic

Having unrealistic goals or expectations is a sure way to add stress to your life. If you are always disappointed because you expect too much from yourself, from others, or from a specific situation, it’s time to cut everyone a break. You’ll be a happier person, and so will everyone else. By not expecting everything to be perfect all the time, your stress levels will quickly drop.

Take Time for Yourself

Most of us are so busy taking care of our families that we forget to take time for ourselves. Whether you enjoy bubble baths or kickboxing, it’s important to do something for yourself every now and then. In addition to eliminating stress, it will bring joy back into your life. Instead of taking time away from your family, you’ll actually have more of yourself to give.

Let Go and Forgive

Holding grudges and judging others can be major sources of stress. If you can find it in yourself to accept people as they are and forgive those who have wronged you in the past, it can relieve some of your stress. Of course, forgiving doesn’t have to mean that you forget or allow someone to constantly take advantage of your good nature. It simply means that you’ve resolved your inner issues. After all, forgiveness can be more for you than for the other person.

Gain Some Perspective

Most of us are guilty of letting our problems take on a life of their own. While life and death situations should be given the attention that they deserve, many other problems really aren’t that important when you look at the big picture. When you’re reaching panic mode, take a deep breath and put things into perspective. In most cases, everything will work itself out.
Of course, you don’t have to do everything on this list. If you did, you might find yourself in an ironic situation where you’re adding to your stress levels instead of reducing them. Choose one or two items to start. As your stress levels drop, you can always try another stress-buster. Before you know it, your excess weight will seem to melt away as your cortisol levels drop to normal levels.

Zumba Dancing – A Great Addition to Wrapping

Image courtesy
Zumba™ classes are popping up all over the country and for very good reasons.  They are FUN and a GREAT work out.  There are not too many classes that get your whole body moving all at once while keeping your brain fired up to learn moves that will surely GET YOUR SEXY BACK.
Your Zumba intensity level is all up to you.  In the beginning it’s likely it will take you a few classes to learn the steps.  Most instructors repeat the same routines over so the students are able to get in to the groove and enjoy the classes more and more each time.  At full intensity you can burn between 500-800 calories in a one hour Zumba class.
Imagine adding this twice a week to along with doing your targeted inch loss body wraps?  Your body will love you for it.  Give Zumba a try.  You can search your local listings online.  Many instructors offer classes outside of the traditional gym setting, but if you go to a gym they may have Zumba or a class that is similar.  Zumba is a brand, so instructors have to be officially licensed to teach Zumba.  Any other form of Latin dance classes may be just as good, but aren’t the official Zumba brand of exercise.
*You don’t want to sweat while you are wearing the wrap, so don’t try to wear the body applicator while you are in a Zumba class.  It will be a waste because none of the product will absorb in to your skin.

Is Your Marriage Making You Fat?

It’s true that many of us get complaisant once we get married and begin a noticeable and steady weight gain each year. Dr. Oz recently shared tips on how to avoid this. It’s worth a watch.
Couples are twice as likely to become obese after marriage. But you don’t have to gain weight just because you gain a spouse. Learn how to tackle…

Ultimate Body Applicator FAQ

What is the Ultimate Applicator?

The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results when applied to the skin. It continuously hydrates for firmer, smoother, more youthful-looking skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite and skin slackening. See results in 45 minutes.

Can anyone use the Ultimate Applicator?

The Ultimate Applicators are formulated for adults. They are not recommended for children. While our products are safe and effective, we do not recommend that pregnant or nursing moms use the Ultimate Body Applicator or the Chin and Neck Applicators.

How often can I use the Ultimate Applicators?

The Ultimate Applicators can be used every 72 hours and should not be used closer than that since they are continuing to work during that time.

How long should I leave the Ultimate Applicator on?

If it is your first time using an Ultimate Body Applicator, we recommend that you only leave the Applicator on for 45 minutes to test your skin sensitivity to the natural ingredients with detoxifying properties. For best results, use Defining Gel twice a day in between your Applicator uses.

Can I use more than one Applicator at a time?

In most situations, we encourage you to use only one Ultimate Body Applicator wrap at a time because it will give you the most dramatic results when targeting one area at a time. The Ultimate Body Applicator targets the specific area where you have applied it and will continue to work for 72 hours.

What about for arms and legs, is it okay to wrap them at the same time?

For leg and arm applications, it is safe to either cut one Applicator in half and use half on each limb, or, if necessary, use one Ultimate Body Applicator on each limb to promote symmetry.

How does the Ultimate Applicator Work?

The Ultimate Applicator works by detoxifying, tightening, toning and firming. Daily, toxins are naturally removed from the body by your stool, urine and the air you breathe out. The ingredients continue to work for 72 hours after you have applied the Ultimate Applicator, so you may continue to see progressive results over this time period.

If I have personal medical issues, can I use The Applicators?

If you have concerns about whether or not the It Works! products are right for you, we strongly recommend that you print off the ingredients of the products you are interested in and then consult with your physician.
You can find the ingredients lists for any of our products by browsing through our Products section. Simply click on the product you are interested in, and then click on “View Ingredients” on that product’s page.

Will the Applicators interfere with the medications I am currently taking?

If you have a medical concern, allergies or sensitivities, we suggest that you consult with your physician or personal pharmacist to help you answer those questions. Just print the ingredients lists by clicking on the actual product page and then click on “Ingredients”. You can have your physician review the ingredients pertaining to your personal health situation.

What are the sizes of the Applicators?

The Ultimate Body Applicators is approximately 13″ X 21″ and the Chin & Neck Applicators is approximately 13″ X 11″

When I used the Ultimate Body Applicator, I noticed a small rash on my skin afterward. What would cause this?

Very rarely, some people develop a rash from the Ultimate Applicator. For those who do, it is usually caused by the detoxification process. As the Applicator detoxifies your body and you begin releasing those toxins, it can show up in your skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water to continue flushing out toxins, and the rash will diminish within a couple of days. Occasionally, someone may find they have an allergy to an ingredient that could produce a rash and this is why we always encourage new customers to consult the ingredient lists before using our products. If you have a persistent rash, we recommend that you consult your physician.

How long do the results last from the Ultimate Body Applicator?

The results you see from the Ultimate Body Applicator are not temporary, as you may have experienced or heard about with many body wraps that simply cause water loss. The Ultimate Body Applicator helps detoxify, tighten, tone, and firm in a manner that produces lasting results—without water loss.
As is true with any weight loss or body slimming, you can reverse the results you see from the Ultimate Body Applicator with poor eating habits and lack of exercise. This is why we say, depending on your eating habits and level of daily activity, you can expect your results to last approximately anywhere from 2 – 6 months.
Using Defining Gel daily can help you make sure that you improve and maintain your results from the Ultimate Body Applicators. Continued use of the Ultimate Body Applicators will also help you achieve continued results and maintain results you may be reversing with eating and lifestyle habits.
This product is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children. If you have a medical condition, health concern, or are taking prescription medication, consult with your health care professional before using this product.

Body Wraps as an Alternative to Plastic Surgery

Body Wraps as an Alternative to Plastic Surgery

Every year millions of body conscious consumers go under the knife in hopes of looking slimmer and shapely. Costs for plastic surgery can be staggering, and many of us are looking for natural alternatives to lose weight, fight cellulite or tone our bodies.

What is a Body Wrap?

Body Wraps are one alternative to plastic surgery. Recommended by many spas to help shrink inches, detox or fight cellulite, loyal consumers insist they feel wonderful and are pleased with the results. This natural alternative to plastic surgery involves several steps including wrapping the body in plastic and bringing the body temperature up before reducing it for a cooling off period.

How Should I Prepare?

I’m not partial to a long massage, but a massage prior to a wrap treatment is offered by many spas to relax and prepare the body. Make sure to discuss with your spa what your options are and what will be expected of you the day you arrive. More than likely, you will be asked to bring a clean change of underclothes or a two-piece swimsuit. If you shower, use a clear soap and don’t apply any lotions to your skin. Some spas suggest you avoid salty foods, vinegar and alcohol. Don’t forget to relay information if you have any allergies. Most skin applications are all natural and contain ingredients from around the world. Share any medical information that might be pertinent to your treatment to avoid allergic reactions.

What Can I Expect?

To prepare your body for a wrap, the skin is treated with moisturizers, soothers, clay or other detoxifying ingredients. Some may offer a pre-wrap scrub to exfoliate. You will then be wrapped literally in plastic sheets, tightly, and covered with thermal blankets to induce sweating thus purifying the skin. Wrapped and left for up to a half hour to aid in sweating out those impurities, spas will usually attempt to provide a calming environment with dimmed lights, candles and relaxing music. Most who experience a wrap say the claustrophobia is fleeting but worth it. After your treatment time, the wrap is removed, and the therapist will direct you to a shower or wash off your body for you as you rest, relax and cool off. A moisturizing treatment follows to nourish the skin.

What Are the Results?

Clients who enjoy a relaxing body wrap usually lose a few inches around their bodies, especially in the waist and thigh areas. The effects generally last from a few days to a week the first time. Satisfied customers at spas everywhere love the idea of a body wrap as an alternative to plastic surgery. I know I do!

Get the Same Results at Home for Less

The great thing about our It Works Body Wraps is that you can achieve similar (if not better) results at home.  Our natural body applicators are easy to use, mess free and inexpensive.  You can purchase a box of for retail or receive wholesale pricing when you enroll as a loyal customer. Sources: Anitra Brown, Spa Guide at Path of Life Wellness Center.

Best Practices

This product is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children. If you have a medical condition, health concern, or are taking prescription medication, consult with your health care professional before using this product.
Here is a list of some best practices that have helped me achieve results personally. I hope they work for you too. :)
  • Do not use soaps with lanolin -  they tend to clog pores.
  • Wipe the area with alcohol -  make sure there are no lotions or perfumes on your skin.  Alcohol will also open up your pores. (Tip: Use a panty liner rather than a cotton swab…goes quicker)
  • Use a measuring tape -  write down measurements daily. Make sure to measure 3 areas before you wrap.
  • Use a Sharpie – mark where you measured for more accurate results. A pen mark will be gone when you remove the applicator.
  • Measure 3 spots -  (waist, belly button and lower ab). This will help make sure you are being accurate. Add those inch loss results together to come up with your total loss amount.
  • Drink plenty of water – ½ your body weight in ounces the day you wrap and 3 days following. (If you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 ounces of water a day)
  • Avoid salty foods.
  • Take a hot shower first – make sure skin is clean and pours are open. No lotions or perfumes on your skin before you wrap.
  • Use proper wrapping material – Saran wrap, ace bandage or tight clothing (biker shorts) to secure applicator snug enough so the wrap doesn’t slide off, but not tight enough to make you start sweating.
  • Wear for 45 minutes – 1 hour -  then remove saran wrap. The goal is to have as much of the product absorb as possible so rub it in after you remove the wrap, don’t wash it off.
  • No sweating – don’t work out  or do anything else that will make you sweat while you are wearing the wrap.
  • Measure every day -  drink your water and think slim!
  • Only use one wrap per area every 72 hours -  anything more is a waste. (Example, don’t put 2 wraps on your belly)
  • Measure results with inch loss not weight loss.
  • Relax and enjoy the 45 minutes and think slim. :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Body Wraps for Men.....not Just Women

...Yes, men use body wraps too! I have, I know of many others that have also. Men like to take care of their body's and look their best, just like women do. Ok, maybe not as much, but we still care enough to not be embarrassed to throw on a body wrap. Watch the video below...

I like using It Works Body Wraps, which is called the Ultimate Body Applicator. If you are a guy and want to try body wraps for men, well, it works body wraps work just as well on men as they do women, so you are good to go!

I remember telling my mom that I was going to try a body wrap and her response was...."they have body wraps for men?! If you're looking to change your life physically or financially, then It Works body wraps for men or woman can be a start to a WHOLE new lifestyle.

Healthy living and healthy paychecks! :)

To Your Success!

Try the Ultimate Makeover Challenge by It Works Global... Ask me how to get started!

Greens by It Works! Global

Hey there!
Have you had your Greens? It Works Global Greens are on their way because I have I have been hearing alot of good things about them among other It Works Global products! I put in a big order yesterday for some more It Works! body wraps because I have already sold my first 4, some greens, fat fighters, thermofit!  I can’t wait to start taking the greens and the other supplements.
I will be posting my thoughts, pics and results on here or the It Works~ Becky Kruse Facebook page.
In this fast paced world today, we sometimes don’t have the time to sit down and have all of our daily vitamins, nutritional portions and other things that we should to stay healthy. I believe that It Works Global will change that and many lives will be impacted physically and financially for the better and I’m glad I made the choice to be a part of the It Works Journey!
Not eating your fruits and vegetables like you should? Get what you are missing with Greens, a delicious orange-flavored, alkalizing drink powder with the nutritional value of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving.

It Works Global Greens blends 38 herbs and nutrient-rich “superfoods” to provide vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes in their naturally-occurring, bio-active, bio-available form.
  • Detoxifying, alkalizing drink powder
  • Promotes pH balance within the body
  • 38 herbs & nutrient-rich “superfoods”
  • Equivalent of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving
Greens is a pleasant tasting, orange-flavored powder. Simply add to water or juice.
Have a great week and look forward to reading your comments!

Ultimate Body Applicator


Ultimate Body Applicator
Expect “ultimate” results with this amazing 45-minute body Applicator! The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin.
  • Tightens, tones, & firms
  • Minimizes cellulite appearance
  • Improves skin texture & tightness
  • Mess-free and simple to use
  • Results in as little as 45 minutes
  • Progressive results over 72 hours
  • Made with natural ingredients
Includes 4 Applicators.
Directions: Apply one Applicator to one area of your choice (such as the abdomen, back, sides, legs, arms, or buttocks) and leave on for 45 minutes. Remove and discard. Repeat after 72 hours.
Made with Natural ingredients
This product is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children. If you have a medical condition, health concern, or are taking prescription medication, consult with your health care professional before using this product.

Tips to get the Best Results with the It Works! Wrap

Here are some tips on how and what to do with your It Works! Ultimate Body Wrap:

# 1 - Drink Water!!! half (1/2) your body weight in ounces daily - this will help flush the toxins out of your body. If you weigh 200 lbs drink 100oz of water daily.

# 2 - Take a shower just before you get your wrap and do not put anything on your skin i.e. lotion, perfume, oils,, etc...

# 3 - Leave the wrap on for up to eight (8) hours - also secure the wrap with tight fitting clothes or a saran wrap to keep it in place.

# 4 - After you take off the wrap rub the ingredients in your skin.

# 5 - Do not take a shower or bath for 24 hours - allow the product to continue to absorb in your skin and break down the fat cells while you are drink water daily.

# 6 - eat healthy and exercise - avoid - alcohol, fried foods, sugars, sweets and bad carbs. 

# 7 - Use suplements to assist with your lost such as:  The ULTIMATE THERMOFIT, the Greens and the Defining Gel.

Why we need to Detox our Body!

We keep ourselves clean on the outside but how many of us keep ourselves clean on the inside?
Many modern day natural healers believe that over 80% of chronic disease is caused in the colon, eventually leading to colon cancer. That is quite a staggering fact and worrying too.
            A periodic detox method cleaning or cleansing program of the internal environment can help you feel refreshed and reduce the risk of potential problems brought on by an accumulation of toxins which can eventually make you quite ill. We are all regularly exposed to pollution from food additives, preservatives, heavy metals, (including drugs given to livestock) pesticide food, and chemicals in household products. This is why detoxification is so important.
            The toxins can re-circulate in the body if the eliminator functions are not working effectively...and fat-soluble toxins can be stored in fatty parts of the body for many years. It Works will explain how to rid your body of toxins effectively.
            A toxic environment in the body can result in a lowered immune system, causing excess free radical damage and can provide an ideal habitat for bad bacteria, parasites and ultimately disease. The accumulation of toxins can overwhelm even the strongest body and skin, resulting in some of the health problems:

 Acne                                                                  Weight Loss
Constipation                                                        Skin Disorders
Allergies                                                              Bloating
Fatigue                                                               Headaches
Bad Breath                                                          Body Odor
Gastrointestinal Disorders                                     Hemorrhoids

  In addition, many people just don't drink enough water, eat healthy foods or have a natural diet which is high in fiber, and this can often create irregular and infrequent bowel movements, potentially harming the colon and adding to the toxic load in the body. Eating fruits and vegetables along with drinking a good antioxidant drink will help with your fiber intake, and a green tea drink will also cleanse too.
            It all sounds horrible doesn't it? What is the answer?  It Works products will help with removing toxins, help with weight loss and give your body a natural spring clean from it all...and help you really feel the difference! The Ultimate Body Applicator will easily help you to detoxify, stop you from feeling ill, help you to feel much better, healthier and maybe even live longer! Treat yourself to a detox wrap. Amongst the many benefits of a natural body detox, cleansing helps with diarrhea and is a natural colon cleanse as well.
            Whether we want to believe it or not, eventually we all have to face the music and reality!
Whether we want to (like it or not) we regularly, as part of our daily lives, absorb more harmful chemicals and other toxins into our bodies. Even heavy metals don't escape. The thing is that most of us are not aware of the harmful nature of them. Oblivious that they exist and yet we are surrounded by them in the foods we eat, products we use, unavoidable places we find ourselves in and even our own comfy homes etc.  To thrive and survive in our world, YOU personally need to be prepared, plan for it, and have the know-how to get rid of toxic build-up within your own body and system.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our Products

Our best seller and most popular product is our Ultimate Body Applicators (Body Wraps).  Because our Body Wraps are site- specific, our customers can target the areas of their body they desire to tighten, firm and tone.  Body Wraps are easy to apply in the convenience of your own home.  No mess, no guess, and results are immediate and last 2-6 months. 

As an "It Works!" Distributor, we are able to offer some of the highest quality all-natural safe, effective and affordable products to assist you and your family in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.   Not only do we offer Body Wraps, but we also offer other body slimming and contouring products, youthful natural skin-care, stretch mark and scaring cream, weight loss products, all-natural supplements, nutritional, and a free online fitness/nutritional community( membership for all "It Works!" Loyal Customers.

Take some time to review our product line. Once on product page click on each picture to read description, watch video & read ingredients.  Select from list to left of the screen to view all our awesome products including Body Contouring, Supplements, and Skin Care.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Help me get to 100 Likes on Facebook by Friday..... Click the link below and "like" it and then please share it with your family and friends.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


These are just a few of our BEFORE & AFTER pictures.
You can decide for yourself if our products really work or not!    You have to admit it is impressive!  The rest are from various It Works Customers who have tried the Ultimate Body Applicator (Wrap) Defining Gel & our other amazing products designed to get your healthy, tighten, tone & firm.  Be sure to watch our video slideshow.

Below is after her second Wrap &
use of Defining Gel twice a day.

Watch this before & after video slideshow:  Click Here
* Please be patient while it loads.  It is worth the wait!




Go ahead and give them a try.  What do you have to lose?